The art that transforms space

Our prints on special supports, like Premium Canvas, turn simple reproductions into authentic paintings. We guarantee works that stand out for their quality and longevity. Every detail is rendered with precision, and every color captures the essence of the original work, even in large size, offering you the painting of your dreams.

Why print
on canvas?

Our canvas prints pay homage to the mastery of the Italian Master Poster Painters. Crafted with high-quality materials, available in various sizes, lightweight, and easy to mount, canvases represent the ideal choice for those looking to decorate and personalize spaces, adding charm and beauty to them.

The poster
becomes a painting

Canvas prints, crafted with incredibly durable premium materials, represent a true design investment. Thanks to the pigmented inks and the strong fabrics used, the colors and all the details remain unaltered, thus guaranteeing the impeccable longevity of the painting.

solutions tailored
for you

Our canvas prints are always made on specific request and customizable to suit each customer. From the custom dimensions to the vibrancy of the colors, we are ready to offer the possibility of obtaining a unique, custom-created work that is perfectly integrated into the space for which it was desired.
Formats and Prices
  • 35 cm x 50 cm: 60€
  • 50 cm x 70 cm: 80€
  • 70 cm x 100 cm: 120€
  • 100 cm x 140 cm: 200€
  • 140 cm x 200 cm: 500
  • 200 cm x 280 cm and above

* to check the availability of the chosen image in the required sizes.


The price quoted is for printing on canvas without a frame, that is, without the supply and mounting on a wooden frame.


12.00 € for domestic shipments (The price quoted is valid for up to ten items shipped as part of the same order and does not apply to the shipment of Tele already framed).